Is Your Dog Constantly Barking At Your Visitors? Why Not Seek Professional Help?
If you are owning a furry fellow for the first, you might be facing some difficulties training them. We adore our puppies with all our hearts but what if your puppy is constantly barking at your visitors and house guest. Wouldn’t you want to get him trained to behave well? Also since Covid 19 lockdown is lifting slowly, your dog’s constant barking might add trouble to your daily routine. I am sure when you have visitors, you’d prefer him to stay calm. If you are on a camping trip, you wouldn’t want to worry about him harming other campers or pets. Most of us are not adept at training our canine companions as you might have noticed. Our furry fellows are not going to just sit quietly and listen to you. Remember the movie “Marley and Me”? Even just watching the movie made me feel helpless. So, I wonder what can happen in a realistic scenario. Many puppies might not be accustomed to visitors if you had owned him/her just before the Covid confinement started. Young puppies might ...